Administration Committee

Chairperson  Mr. Kerry Magan

The Administration Committee assists in overseeing the personnel, physical plant and financial needs. This committee recommends policies and marketing tools to our parish. The Chairperson is the liaison with Finance Council, and attends Finance Council Meetings.


This subcommittee advises the Pastor or Administrator in matters of personnel.

Grievance & Policies

This subcommittee addresses the facility needs of the entire parish and provides comprehensive planning for future growth.

Facilities - Buildings-Equipment-Grounds

This subcommittee is charged with maintaining a pro-active stance in regard to the long-term property needs of the parish.


Help with publicity and web page development.

Stewardship / Compromiso & Volunteers Coordinator

The Stewardship Sub-committee concerns itself with stewardship in all facets of parish life and working with other standing committees of the Pastoral Council to continually evaluate the management of parish resources of time, talent and treasure.

“There are a variety of gifts but always the same spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done but always to the same Lord; working in all sorts of different ways in different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them. The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose.”  1 Corinthians 12:4-7

Annunciation has been blessed with talent, which lends itself to many diversified programs and organizations.  We are proud of who we are, and we are continually searching for ways of better serving our community.  If you have any questions or would like to join one of the many organizations or projects feel free to call any committee chairperson, any member of the Pastoral Council or staff liaison.

Our work depends of the generosity of the community of believers.  We are a Church with open hearts, and we are anxious to be of service to you.

If you would like to share your blessings with our parish feel free to send them to:

120 Main St, Shelbyville, KY 40065 1406  

Please remember our parish in your Bequest.

Catholic Service Appeal / Apoyo a los Servicios Católicos

The Church of the Annunciation supports the Archdiocese of Louisville’s mission of serving human needs, especially those of the poor and oppressed thru the annual Catholic Service Appeal.


It is a team of parishioners who count and deposit the Sunday collection.  They are scheduled on a rotation basis, usually one weekend a month. WE are in the need of more volunteers.  Please contact Sherley at 502.633.1547.

Special Collections

Opportunities for Life
Black and Indian Missions
Bishop’s Overseas Appeal
Holy Land
Mission Sunday
Peter’s Penance
Catholic Higher Education
Campaign For Human Development
Retired Religious
Catholic Charities
Crusade for Children